What are the real and imaginary parts of the complex number?

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1 Answer
Sep 23, 2017

Real part 2 , imaginary part -5i


Complex numbers written like this are in the rectangular form.

The general definition is #a + bi#

Where #a# and #b# are real numbers and #i# is the imaginary unit

#i = sqrt(-1)#

If we have #a + 0i# we have a real number.

If we have #0 + bi# we have a pure imaginary number.

If we have #a + bi#
#a != 0, b != 0# then we have a complex number with a real part and an imaginary part. The real part is #a# the imaginary part is #bi#

So #2 - 5i#

The real part is 2, the imaginary part is #-5i#