Harvey is 3 times as old as Jane. The sum of their ages is 48 years. What is the age of each?

1 Answer
Oct 12, 2017

#"Jane's' age" = 12years and "Harvey's age" = 36years#


Let #"Jane's' age" = x#

Hence, Harvey is #3 xx# as old as Jane

#:. "Harvey's age" = 3 xx x = 3x#

Sum of their ages..

#"Jane's' age" (x) + "Harvey's age" (3x) = 48#

#x + 3x = 48#

#4x = 48#

Divide both sides by #color(red)4#

#(4x)/color(red)4 = 48/color(red)4#

#cancel(4x)/cancel4 = 48/4#

#x = 48/4#

#x = 12#

Substituting each values..

#"Jane's' age" = x#

#"Jane's' age" = 12years#


#"Harvey's age" = 3x#

#"Harvey's age" = 3(12)#

#"Harvey's age" = 36years#