Help! Find all zeros: #f(x)=3x^7-32x^6+28x^5+591x^4-1181x^3-2810x^2+5550x-1125#?

1 Answer
Oct 16, 2017

#x = -3, -3, 5, 5, 5, (5+sqrt(13))/6, (5-sqrt(13))/6#


This one is solve. You really need some luck and clever ideas on how to proceed.

First, I apply the Rational Roots Theorem to come up with a list of all possible rational roots for #f(x) = 0#. I list all of the factors of the constant term #p# and the leading coefficient term #q#, and then consider all reduced form rational terms of the form #+-(p " factor")/(q " factor")#:

#p " factors": 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 25, 45, 75, 125, 225, 375, 1125#

#q " factors": 1, 3

Possible rational roots:

#+- (1, 1/3, 3, 5, 5/3, 9, 15, 25, 25/3, 45, 75, 125, 125/3, 225, 375, 1125)#

This is fairly huge. There are 32 possible rational roots. Since this is a degree 7 polynomial, there will be 7 roots (although some may be complex or irrational in nature).

From here, it's trial and error time. Synthetic division can help; test a possible root using synthetic division and look for a final value of 0, which would indicate you've located a zero. I'll omit all the trials that did not succeed for me to save space.

Try x = -3


This result tells us that #x = -3# is a zero. From now on, we can use the reduced final row for our synthetic testing.

Try x= 5

#underline(color(white)("aaaaaaaaaaa")15color(white) ("a")-130color(white)("aaa")105color(white)("aaaa")1215color(white)("aa")-1900color(white)("aaaa")375)#

This result tell us that #x = 5# is a zero. Ignoring the final 0 result, we are now down to a 5th degree polynomial.

The next step is a trick. We already know #x = -3# is a zero. It could be a zero of multiplicity; in other words, it could occur as more than one factor.

Try x = -3 (again)

#underline(color(white)("aaaaaaaaaaaa")-9color(white) ("aaaa")105color(white)("a")-378color(white)("aaaa")405color(white)("aaaa")-75)#

This result tells us that #x = -3# is a zero a 2nd time. An additional try of -3 (not shown here) shows that -3 is not a zero a 3rd time. (An application of Descarte's Rule of Signs would demonstrate that -3 could not be a zero three times.)

Try x = 5 (again)


This result tells us that #x = 5# is a zero a 2nd time. Could it be a zero a third time?

Try x = 5 (again x 2)


This result tells us that #x = 5# is a zero a 3rd time.

At this point we are now left with a quadratic polynomial of #3x^2-5x+1#. which we can complete using the Quadratic Formula:

#x = (-b+-sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a)#

#x = (5+-sqrt((=5)^2-4(3)(1)))/(2*3)#

#x = (5+-sqrt(25-12))/6 =(5+-sqrt(13))/6#

Our final collection of all 7 roots is:

#x = -3, -3, 5, 5, 5, (5+sqrt(13))/6, (5-sqrt(13))/6#