If you wanted to determine whether watching violent TV shows causes children to behave more violently using a study, how would it be structured? (Please help!)

1 Answer
Oct 24, 2017

MRAD. Method, Result, Analysis, and finally Discussion.


Right. Is this a research study?

If so, I think it'd best be a quantitative-qualitative combination research. Quantitative because you can use a correlational design. Qualitative because you can use a phenomenological design to strengthen up your results, or more details.

A correlational design is "a design used to study the changes in one characteristic or phenomenon which corresponds to the changes in another. A wide range of variable scores is necessary to determine the existence of relationships. Thus, the sample should reflect the full range of scores, if possible on the variables being measured." (Taken from: Practical Research for Senior High School 2 by Amadeo Pangilinan Christobal Jr. Ed.D et al)

Phenomenological design meanwhile would allow you to discover the experiences of people who watch violent tv shows and if it affects their violent tendencies. Here, you could ask them directly.

Both answers to whether the two variable have a connection, however the Quantitative part of it answers to how many feel the same way or how many don't, while the Qualitative part of it gives in more detail.

Those are my designs and I'd follow the MRAD structure I mentioned before. It's easier than doing the entire research paper structure.

Idk, if it were me, this is how I'd tackle it. I hope it helps. :)