What are the correct matches?

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2 Answers
Nov 15, 2017

Classical conditioning
•Definition: Learning by associating things
•Thought up by Ivan Pavlov
•Realised that his dogs salivated before they were fed so tested his theory
•The dogs learnt to associate the bell ringing with getting food so salivated every time they heard the same bell
•This can be used in a school setting to teach a child to share their toys

Operant Conditioning
•Definition: Learning though reinforcing behaviours to encourage or discourage them
•Thought up by Burrhus Frederic Skinner
•There is positive and negative reinforcement and punishment

Positive reinforcement : To give something to encourage a behaviour e.g. Allowing a child to have a toy for sharing

Negative Reinforcement : To take something unpleasant away to encourage a behaviour e.g. not allowing a child to play outside until they finish their work

Positive Punishment: To give an unpleasant consequence to reduce the likelihood of a behaviour reoccurring e.g. making a child stand against the wall for hitting another child

Negative Punishment: To take away something pleasant to reduce the probability of a behaviour reoccurring e.g. to take a toy away from a child for not helping clean a classroom

Nov 16, 2017



Left side answers (top to bottom) a, b, c, d, e
