Question #831a2

1 Answer

(1x1) Square


The question is slightly confusing, but I think my answer may encompass both possibilities of what you're asking.

So I'm guessing that a horizontal rectangle is just a rectangle on a plane.

So then this is what I think you're asking
1. If the two vectors are multiplied, when is the result the same?
2. What type of rectangle is a one in which both vectors are the same?

  1. If you had a 1x1 square, 1x1 would equal 1. So that's where the product and vectors are equal
  2. In any square, the 2 vectors, or sides, are the same. A square is always a rectangle since rectangles mean a 4 sided shape with all 90 angles. Squares are always 4 sided shapes with all 90 angles- they also need to have equal length sides. Thus, any square can work