What is voltage?

Seriously, I hear all this stuff about 'electric potential' but they don't explain it in detail any further.

1 Answer
Nov 22, 2017

Voltage encourages current to flow in a circuit.


Urip's discussion is very good. This discussion may help you understand how current is encouraged to flow through a circuit. In a circuit, an electron that is free to move, will move, when influenced by a voltage somewhere in the circuit. The electron is attracted to the positive connection of the voltage source.

When the electron encounters resistance in the circuit, its motion is impeded, but it will move through the resistance. The relationship between voltage, current, and resistance is given by Ohm's Law:
V = I*R
The resistance R is a constant (nearly always), so when voltage, V, increases, current increases.

There is different 'electric potential' at either end of the resistance, R. That difference of those 'electric potentials' is the value of V that you use to determine the current, I, that flows through the resistance, R.

I hope this helps,