How do I use the aufbau principle to predict the electron configuration of carbon?

1 Answer

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The electronic configuration of carbon using the aufbau principle is #color(red)(1"s"^2 2"s"^2 2"p"^2#. It is in the p-block as shown:

Carbon has #color(red)(6# electrons in total. #2# of them exist in the first energy level #color(brown)((n=1))# and the remaining #color(red)(4# electrons exist in the second energy level #color(brown)((n=2))#.

We know that for first principal quantum number#color(red)((n=1))#, the electron lies in the #color(red)("s orbital"# #(l=0)# and for second principal quantum number the electron lies in #color(red)("s orbital")# #(l=0)# and #color(red)("p orbital")(l=1)# gradually by the aufbau principle.

#underbrace(ul(color(white)(uarr darr))" "ul(color(white)(uarr darr))" "ul(color(white)(uarr darr)))_(2p)#

#ul(color(white)(uarr darr))#

#ul(color(white)(uarr darr))#

Now,each orbital fills by #color(red)("2 electrons"#. To fill the orbital we consider #color(red)("Hund's Rule"#:

No electron spin pairing starts in any of the orbitals of approximately equal energy until the subshell is half-filled.

#underbrace(ul(uarrcolor(white)(darr))" "ul(uarrcolor(white)(darr))" "ul(color(white)(uarr darr)))_(2p)#

#ul(uarr darr)#

#ul(uarr darr)#