#2/3+2 1/4+1/2#
Convert #2 1/4# into an improper fraction. Multiply the numerator by the whole number and add the numerator. Place the result over the denominator.
In order to add fractions, they must have the same denominator, the least common denominator (LCD). List the multiples of each denominator. The lowest multiple in common is the LCD.
The LCD is #12#.
Now multiply each fraction by a fraction equal to #1# to create equivalent fractions with #12# as the denominator. For example, #5/5=1#. This keeps the value of each fraction from changing. (If you divide the numerator by the denominator, you will get the same value.)
Add the numerators.
We can convert #41/12# to a mixed fraction by using long division, in which the whole-number quotient is the whole number of the mixed fraction, and the remainder is the numerator, which is placed over the denominator #12#.
#41-:12=3" remainder 5"#
#41/12=3 5/12#