How will humans as a species go extinct?

1 Answer
Dec 20, 2017

This question has a variety of answers depending on what happens in the future, which is not predictable. Here are some popular theories though:


Humans are becoming more used to medicines and antibiotics, so that they are not as effective. Certain bacteria has mutated to be able to resist medication as well as natural human antibodies, making them even more harmful. As well as new diseases being introduced as ice is melting and more of the world is being discovered which humans haven’t had a chance to develop immunities to.

People have a wider access to communicate with each other as well as more deadly weapons which adds up to more conflict.

As technology, medicine, and agriculture expand and become more and more widespread and usable, the overall human population has boomed. A new problem of lack of resources has been made present that has the potential to slowly decrease the whole population.