If vertex of two parabolas #y=ax^2+4bx+c# and #y=-ax^2+4mx-c# are same, prove that #4b^2=ac#?

1 Answer
Dec 27, 2017

Please see below.


Let us convert the two equations into vertex form.


= #a(x^2+4b/ax+(2b/a)^2-4b^2/a^2)+c#

= #a(x+(2b)/a)^2-4b^2/a+c#

= #a(x+(2b)/a)^2-(4b^2-ac)/a#

and its vertex is #(-(2b)/a,-(4b^2-ac)/a)#


= #-a(x^2-4m/ax+(2m/a)^2-4m^2/a^2)-c#

= #-a(x-(2m)/a)^2+4m^2/a-c#

= #-a(x-(2m)/a)^2+(4m^2-ac)/a#

and its vertex is #((2m)/a,(4m^2-ac)/a)#

As vertex of the two is same, we have

#-(2b)/a=(2m)/a# or #b=-m#

This means #b# amd #m# have opposite sign i.e. #bm<0#

or #b+m=0# and #b^2=m^2#

and #-(4b^2-ac)/a=(4m^2-ac)/a#

or #-(4b^2)/a+c=(4m^2)/a-c#

or #2c=4/a(m^2+b^2)#

but #b^2=m^2#, hence we have #2c=(8b^2)/a# or #ac=4b^2#

as #b^2# is always positive, #ac>0#

Further #(b-m)^2=(b-(-b))^2=4b^2=ac#