If ribosomes are introduced in a neuron artificially. Will it be able to divide like other cell? Thank you
1 Answer
No! Ribosomes are not the trigger needed for division.
Cells actually divide using specific markers which are required to let cells know that it is time to divide. The whole process is called cell cycle where cells divide.
Here you need to understand the principle that not each cell is ready or capable of dividing. there is a quisecent phase of the cells where cells do not divide.
figure1 describes the various proteins which are required for different phases of the cell cycle.
Even if ribosomes are introduced they will not be able to synthesize these crucial proteins as these are not expressed in quisecent phase of the cells life, which is the case in neuron cells. Neuron cells are well diffrenentiated cells and until we synchronize the expression of all these proteins in a way that neurons proceeds through the cell cycle, they will not be dividing.
Another factor to remember is that there are proteins expressed in neurons which inhibits the expression of these proteins as it does not need to divide.