If six fair coins are tossed,what is the probability that at least one head appears?

1 Answer
Feb 9, 2018

Probability of obtaining at least one head #=0.9998756#


The coin is fair.
Probability of obtaining head #=0.5#
Probability of obtaining tail #=0.5#

Probability of obtaining at least one head #=1 -# Probability of obtaining no head

Probability of obtaining no head

#P_(x=0)=""_""^nC_x xx p^x xx q^(n-x)#

# P_(x=0)=""_""^6C_0 xx 0.5^0 xx 0.5^(12-0)#

# P_(x=0)=1 xx1 xx 0.5^(12-0)=0.000244#

Probability of obtaining at least one head #=1 - 0.000244=0.9998756#