What is #(dy)/(dx)#of #xsqrt(1+y)+ysqrt(1+x)=0??#

1 Answer
Feb 24, 2018

#y' = -(sqrt(1+y) +y/(2sqrt(1+x)))/(x/(2sqrt(1+y)) + sqrt(1+x))#


Given: #x sqrt(1+y) + y sqrt(1+x) = 0#

We need to use implicit differentiation. We will use these differentiation rules for each segment of the equation:

The product rule: #(u*v)' = u*v' + v*u'#

The power rule: #(u^n)' = n u^(n-1) u'#

#(0)' = 0#

First segment of the equation:
Let #u = x; " "u' = 1#
#" "v = sqrt(1+y) = (1+y)^(1/2); " " v' = 1/2(1+y)^(-1/2)y'#
#" "v' = (y')/(2sqrt(1+y)#

Second segment of the equation:
Let #u = y; " "u' = y'#
#" "v = sqrt(1+x) = (1+x)^(1/2); " " v' = 1/2(1+x)^(-1/2)(1)#
#" "v' = 1/(2sqrt(1+x)#

Putting it all together using the product rule:
#(xy')/(2sqrt(1+y)) + sqrt(1+y) + y/(2sqrt(1+x)) +y' sqrt(1+x)= 0#

Keep all terms that contain #y'# on the left side of the equation:
#(xy')/(2sqrt(1+y)) +y' sqrt(1+x) = -sqrt(1+y) -y/(2sqrt(1+x))#

Factor #y'#;

#y' (x/(2sqrt(1+y)) + sqrt(1+x)) = -(sqrt(1+y) +y/(2sqrt(1+x)))#

Isolate #y'# using division:

#y' = -(sqrt(1+y) +y/(2sqrt(1+x)))/(x/(2sqrt(1+y)) + sqrt(1+x))#

This answer can be simplified if needed by finding common denominators in both the numerator and denominator.