Why carboxylic acids act neither like aldehydes nor like ketones based on resonance?

1 Answer
Feb 24, 2018

Because they are different molecules?


Just to retire this question, we got carboxylic acids...#RCO_2H#..versus aldehydes, #RC(=O)H#, versus ketones, #RC(=O)R# versus alcohols, #RCH_2OH# versus alkanes, #RCH_3#...and the oxidation numbers of the ipso carbon are....

#CO_2# #,C(+IV)#

#RCO_2H# #,C(+III)#

#RC(=O)R# #,C(+II)#

#RC(=O)H# #,C(+I)#

#RCH_2OH# #,C(-I)#

#RCH_2R# #,C(-II)#

#RCH_3# #,C(-III)#

#CH_4# #,C(-IV)#

Often we speak of the oxidation of carbon in organic chemistry..