Why did Japan not surrender to the USA after we “Little Boy” on Hiroshima?

2 Answers
Mar 4, 2018

They did not surrender after the first atomic bomb due to the amount of time it usually would take to officially declare surrender, which in this case would have been a bit longer considering japan was not so keen on surrender. The second bomb was also dropped just 3 days later.

Mar 5, 2018

Actually the Peace effort on the Japanese side was going on already for a couple months. It was hard to accomplish.


It is worth reading the book or seeing movie "Japan's Longest Day" The movie was first done in 1967 and redone in 2015 about the effort to end the War on the Japanese side.

The Atomic Bombs were tangential to the actual peace effort. The Emperor was trying to get a peace agreement and live. A number of people gave their lives to get the Emperor's peace speech broadcast. The Japanese Minister of War took responsibility for losing the war by committing ritual suicide the night before the broadcast. The 2015 version I think is the best.