Why did most scientists reject Wegener's idea of continental drift?

1 Answer
Mar 12, 2018

The most often stated reason was a lack of mechanism but also as the theory of Continental Drift contradicted other scientific theories.


  1. The prevailing theory at the time the theory of Continental Drift was proposed was the geosyncline theory of continental formation, sedimentary layers, and mountain building. Continental drift made this theory obsolete and untenable. If Continental drift theory was true then the Geosyncline theory was not true. Those scientists that had built their reputations and Doctrinal Thesis on the Geosyncline theory violently opposed the Continental Drift Theory.

  2. Even today geological theory is based on the assumption of uniformtarism, The Continental Drift theory proposed changes in the geological process that were sudden, catastrophic, and not what had been previously observed. The present is the key to the past is the foundational statement of uniform process. Continental Drift challenged the idea that the continents were much the same today as in the past. These ideas were heresy to the community of Geological scientists had to be rejected.

  3. The timeline of evolutionary history as first outlined in 1840 was not compatible with the movements of the continents proposed by Continental Drift. The Geosyncline theory provided a means of explaining how the deep ocean fossils came to found in neat horizontal layers on the continents. Gaylord Simpson a prominent evolutionary scientists opposed plate tectonics the modern form of Continental Drift up through the 1970's despite the strong evidence for the theory because of the difficulties in the evolutionary timeline. This was after a mechanism for the movement of the continents was found in seafloor spreading and convection currents.

  4. The lack of a mechanism for Continental Drift was the excuse for the scientific community to reject the theory of Continental Drift. There was sufficient evidence at the time for the theory to be accepted. The contradictions to accepted theories was perhaps the main reason Continental Drift was rejected.