20 people shake hands with each other. How many handshakes will be there in total?

We use this formula for this but why?
20 * 19/2
10 * 19
Can anybody explain this formula?

2 Answers
Mar 26, 2018

Shaking hands in a group involves pairings of two people in all possible ways


Say we have #N# people in the room. So to shake hands we have to pair each one of these #N# with each one of the #rest# of people in the room. So we have #N*(N-1)# possible pairings.

However, in this number we have actually counted each pairing twice; when, say #person1# shakes hands with #person2#, and when #person2# shakes hands with #person1#. It is only one handshake.

Thus, the correct number is half of that #(N* (N-1))/2#

Mar 26, 2018

see a solution process below;


First using your method which is the formula for handshakes;

Note that;

#n = "total number of people that will shake hands"#

but since all (total) can't shake hands with themselves, hence we subtract one individual to start the handshaking..

#(n - 1) = "people would each shake hands"#

hence we multiply both total numbe persons with people that will shake hands;

#n(n - 1)#

but that counts every handshake twice, so we have to divide by #2.#


#(n(n – 1))/2#


You know that the total number of persons is #20#, so every person shakes hands with #19# persons..

It then mean that, there are #20×19=380# handshakes.

But by every handshake two persons are involved.


#380/2 = 190#

Therefore, #380# is the result of double-counting, which gives #190# handshakes.


I just used normal simple combination formula..

Recall; #rArr ^nC_r = (n!)/((n- r)!r!)#

#n = "total number of persons"#

#r = "number of handsakes"#

#n = 20#

#r = 2#

Inputing in the formula we should have;

#(n!)/((n- r)!r!)#

#(20!)/((20 - 2)!2!)#


#(20 xx 19 xx 18!)/(18!2!)#

#(20 xx 19 xx cancel(18!))/(cancel(18!)2!)#

#(380)/(2 xx 1)#

