What’s 8 over 1000 as a percentage?

2 Answers
Apr 3, 2018



A percentage is something out of a hundred. In this case, we can get the denominator to be #100# if we divide both the numerator and denominator by #10#:

#8/1000=(8 \/ 10)/(1000 \/ 10)=0.8/100#

Since the denominator is #100#, we have our percentage, which means that #8 \/ 1000# is equal to #0.8%#

Apr 3, 2018

#8 " over " 1000 = 8/1000#

For converting a fraction into percentage, we need to multiply it by #100#.

#8/1000xx100 = 8/10% = color(red)(0.8%#