How long would it take spacecraft to reach the nearest star at 98% of the speed of light?

1 Answer
Apr 12, 2018

#4329# years, #216# days


our nearest star, Proxima Centauri, #4,243# light years away.

this means that at the speed of light (#3 * 10^8 m//s#) it would take #4,243# years to get there.

travelling at #98%# the speed of light, it would take #4,243 * 1/(0.98)# years.

#4243/0.98 = 4329.591836...#, or #4329 29/49#

#29/49# years is #29/49 * 365.25# days, or #216# days (to the nearest day)

this means that it would take the spacecraft #4329# years and #216# days to reach Proxima Centauri, travelling at #98%# the speed of light