Please explain about the way to calculate the number of atoms of a certain element in a given mass of a compound?

1 Answer
May 5, 2018

Here's how I do it.


It's all based on the definition:

#"1 mol of atoms" = 6.022 × 10^23 color(white)(l)"atoms"#

Let's say the question is,

How many oxygen atoms are in 12.3 g of #"KClO"_3#?

Step 1. Calculate the molar mass of #"KClO"_3#

#M_text(r) = "1K + 1Cl + 3O" = "1×39.10 + 1×35.45 + 3×16.00" = 122.55#

So, 1 mol of #"KClO"_3# has a mass of 122.55 g.

Step 2. Calculate the moles of #"KClO"_3#

#"Moles of KClO"_3 = 12.3 color(red)(cancel(color(black)("g KClO"_3))) × (1 "mol KClO"_3)/(122.55 color(red)(cancel(color(black)("g KClO"_3)))) = "0.1004 mol KClO"_3#

Step 3. Calculate the moles of #"O"# atoms

We see that one formula unit of #"KClO"_3# contains three "O" atoms. So,

#bb("1 mol KClO"_3 = "3 mol O atoms")#

#"Moles of O atoms" = 0.1004 color(red)(cancel(color(black)("mol KClO"_3))) × "3 mol O atoms"/(1 color(red)(cancel(color(black)("mol KClO"_3)))) = "0.3011 mol O atoms"#

Step 4. Calculate the number of #"O"# atoms

#"No. of O atoms" = 0.3011 color(red)(cancel(color(black)("mol O atoms"))) × (6.022 × 10^23 color(white)(l)"O atoms")/(1 color(red)(cancel(color(black)("mol O atoms"))))#

#= 1.81 × 10^23color(white)(l)"O atoms"#

Thus, #"12.3 g of KClO"_3# contains #1.81 × 10^23 color(white)(l)"O atoms"#.

Here is a video on converting moles of a compound to atoms.