A weekend at the beach bay hotel in Florida includes 2 nights and 4 meals for $195. A full week at the hotel includes 7 nights and 10 meals for $650. How much does 1 night and 1 meal cost?

1 Answer
May 12, 2018

#1# night and #1# meal cost # $89.38 #


Assumed that charge of meal and night stay is uniform throughout

the week. #:.2 n +4 m= 195.00 (1) , 7 n +10 m= 650.00 (2) #

Multiplying equation (1) by #7# and equation (2) by #2# we get,

#:.14 n +28 m= 1365.00 (3) , 14 n +20 m= 1300.00 (4) #

Subtracting equation (4) from equation (3) we get,

#8 m = 65 :. m= 65/8 or m= 8.125# Putting #m= 8.125# in

equation (1) we get, #2 n +4*8.125= 195.00 # or

#2 n + 32.50= 195.00 :. 2 n = 195.00-32.50# or

# 2 n = 162.50 :. n = 81.25 :. 1 n +1 m= 81.25+8.125# or

#1 n +1 m= 89.375 or 1 n +1 m= 89.38 (2 dp)#

#1# night and #1# meal cost # $89.38 # [Ans]