Graph the inequality 4x-y<5?

2 Answers
May 14, 2018

graph{4x-y<5 [-10, 10, -5, 5]}


It is basically saying that the line 4x-y, the values are larger than that line therefore you shade in what you do not want, the lower values and everything on the other side of that line, are your possible answers.

May 14, 2018

y - 4x > -5


4x - y < 5

Rearrange into y = mx + b form, but w/o the = because it's an inequality:

-y + 4x < 5

Divide by -1 to make y positive.

y - 4x < -5

Flip the sign because you've divided by a negative.

y - 4x > - 5

graph{y - 4x > -5 [-10, 10, -5, 5]}

Use a graphing calculator. Go to Y= and input the data. Then, you'll see a / next to Y=. Scroll through until you get the right inequalities sign that you're looking for.