How do you simplify #17– 6 xx 10 ÷ 2 + 12#?

2 Answers

#color(purple)(=> -1)#


#17 - 6 xx 10 / 2 + 12#

Using PEMDAS rule,

#=> 17 - 60 / 2 + 12#, multiplying

#=> 17 - 30 + 12#, dividing

#=> 17 + 12 - 30#, rearranging terms

#=> 29 - 30#, adding

#color(purple)(=> -1#, subtracting

May 17, 2018



Identify the number of terms first. Each term will simplify to a single answer which can be added or subtracted in the last step.

#color(blue)(17)" " color(red)(- 6xx10div2) color(green)(" " +12)" "larr# there are 3 terms

Within each term the order of operations is:

  • Brackets
  • powers and roots
  • multiplication and division (any order)

#=color(blue)(17)" " color(red)(- (cancel6^3xx10)/cancel2) color(green)(" " +12)#

#=color(blue)(17)" " color(red)(-30) color(green)(" " +12)#

You will make fewer mistakes if you write the additions at the beginning and subtractions at the end.

#=color(blue)(17)" " color(green)( +12)" "color(red)(- 30)#

#=29" "color(red)(- 30)#
