The sum of two numbers is 120÷5. The 1st number is 3 times that of the 2nd number. Find the two numbers. Write an equation to show your work. Does anyone know how to do this question?

1 Answer
Jun 13, 2018

#18# and #6#


Let’s use two variables to represent the numbers in this problem. I’ll use #x# and #y#.

So the sum of the two numbers #=#


So this means that


To solve for two variables, we need two separate equations. The second sentence in the problem says the first number is #3# times the second number. I’ll say variable #x# is the first number and #y# is the second number.


So now we have a system of equations. We can either use elimination or substitution. Substitution seems like the most efficient way to solve this so I’ll go with that.

Because we already have #x=3y#, let’s make

#x=24-y# ←from the first equation

So now #x# equals two things. That means those two things #=# each other. Let’s set up an equation that represents that:


Now we need to isolate the consonant and the variable on different sides. Add #y# to both sides:



Now let’s solve for #y#. Divide both sides by #4#


And now we have the second number (or first number, it really does not matter).

Now we can substitute #6# for #y# in #x=3y#



Now we have both numbers! Let’s double-check to see if we’re right by adding them together:


And it looks like we got the answers! Hope this helped!