Show that? #(P(N', n))/(P(N,n)) ~~ ((N')/N)^n# #(N', N, n) in ZZ^+# #(N', N )">>" n# #P(x,y) = (x!)/((x-y)!)# Stirling Approx allowed

1 Answer
Jul 18, 2018

Stirling's approximation says that
#x! approx sqrt(2pi n) (n/e)^n = sqrt(2pi) * sqrt(n) * n^n * e^-n#

In this way, we can approximate #P(x, y)#:

#(x!)/((x-y)!) approx sqrt(2pi)/sqrt(2pi) cdot sqrt(x/(x-y)) cdot (x^x/(x-y)^(x-y)) e^(-x)/e^(-(x-y)) #

Since the second condition says that #y# is far less than #x# for our purposes, so
#sqrt(x) approx sqrt(x-y) #
And since all of these we know that #x# and #x-y# are far greater than #e#, it is clear that the dominating term is
#P(x, y) approx (x^x)/((x-y)^(x-y)) = (x/(x-y))^x (x-y)^y approx (x/x)^x (x-y)^y#
#P(x, y) approx x^y#

Returning to the original question,
#(P(N', n))/(P(N, n)) approx ((N')^n)/((N)^n) = ((N')/N)^n #

completing the derivation.