How do you use transformations to describe the relationship between the graph of f(x) = x and the graph of h(x) = -1/15x + 12?
2 Answers
We have three transformations that we'd normally use:
Stretching (or scaling), shifting, and flipping.
If we start with a straight line with slope one, in order to get the final equation, we need to flip it (because of the -), scale it by a factor of 1/15, then shift it up by a factor of 12.
To check your understanding, you may want to see how you'd get back from
Shift down by 12, scale by a factor of 15, then flip.
See answer below
The parent function
Graph of the two functions:
graph{(y - x)(y +1/15x - 12)=0 [-40, 40, -20, 20]}