How do you find the slope and intercept of x-y=1xy=1?

3 Answers
Jul 28, 2018

See a solution process below.


This equation is in Standard Linear form. The standard form of a linear equation is: color(red)(A)x + color(blue)(B)y = color(green)(C)Ax+By=C

Where, if at all possible, color(red)(A)A, color(blue)(B)B, and color(green)(C)Care integers, and A is non-negative, and, A, B, and C have no common factors other than 1

The slope of an equation in standard form is: m = -color(red)(A)/color(blue)(B)m=AB

The yy-intercept of an equation in standard form is: color(green)(C)/color(blue)(B)CB

color(red)(1)x + color(blue)(-1)y = color(green)(1)1x+1y=1


  • The slope is: m = (-color(red)(1))/color(blue)(-1) = 1m=11=1

  • The yy-intercept is: color(green)(1)/color(blue)(-1) = -111=1 or (0, -1)(0,1)

1, 1, & x-intercept is 11 & y-intercept is -11


Given equation of straight line is



The above equation is in standard intercept form of line: x/a+y/b=1xa+yb=1 which has

x-intercept: a=1a=1

y-intercept: b=-1b=1

The given equation of line:



The above equation is in standard slope-intercept form: y=mx+cy=mx+c with slope

m=1 m=1

Slope: m=1m=1

Jul 30, 2018

Slope: 11, yy-intercept -11


Recall slope-intercept form

y=mx+by=mx+b, with slope mm and a yy-intercept of bb.

We essentially just want a yy on the left side. Let's subtract xx from both sides to get


Next, divide both sides by -11 to get


Now, our equation is in slope-intercept form, with a slope of 11, and a yy-intercept of -11.

Hope this helps!