Factories: x^2+5x+6?

3 Answers
Apr 14, 2018

x = -2,-3


1/ #x^2 +5x+6 = 0#
2/ #(x +3)(x+2) =0#
3/ # x+3=0 ; x+2=0#
4/ x = -2,-3

Apr 14, 2018



this one is a very simple exercise for factorization
what you do is check the factors of 6 and check their sum to see if any of them give you 5 and since they are factors of 6 when you multiply them it will give you 6

#x^2# + 3x + 2x + 6 = #x^2# + 5x + 6

Aug 5, 2018



To factor this, let's do a little thought experiment:

What two number sum up to #5# (middle term) and have a product of the last term (#6#)?

After some trial and error, we arrive at #2# and #3#. This means we can factor this as


Hope this helps!