How do you graph and determine if y=(4/3)^xy=(43)x is a growth or decay?

1 Answer
Aug 14, 2018



An exponential function has form
y = A r^x y=Arx
where AA is a scaling factor and rr is the ratio. Here, A = 1 and r = 4/3A=1andr=43. If r > 1r>1, this is a growth (such as in this instance).

We can graph them by using the y-intercept and the value at x = 1x=1, which are clearly AA and ArAr respectively. From there, we know what an exponential growth resembles: approaches zero as x rightarrow -inftyx and approaches infty as x rightarrow inftyx. This yields the following plot:

graph{(4/3)^x [-5, 6, -1, 5]}