22.5 ml of 0.102N KMnO4 is required to oxidized 10ml. mohr's salt solution,determination the amount of Fe++ of that solution??

1 Answer
May 14, 2018

Approx...#1.0*mol*L^-1#....of #"Mohr's salt"#...


This is a redox titration...permanganate is reduced to #Mn^(2+)#...this is the probable reduction product...

#underbrace(MnO_4^(-))_"strongly purple" + 8H^+ +5e^(-) rarr#

#underbrace(Mn^(2+))_"almost colourless" +4H_2O(l)#

The colour change allows us to vizualize the stoichiometric endpoint of the reaction...

And #"ferrous ion"# is OXIDIZED to #"ferric ion..."#

#Fe^(2+) rarrFe^(3+) +e^(-)#

We add FIVE of the latter to ONE of the former....

#MnO_4^(-) +5Fe^(2+) + 8H^+ +5e^(-) rarrMn^(2+) +5Fe^(3+)+4H_2O(l)#

#MnO_4^(-) +5Fe^(2+) + 8H^+ rarrMn^(2+) +5Fe^(3+)+4H_2O(l)#

And so ONE EQUIV of permanganate oxidized FIVE EQUIV of ferrous ion....

#"Moles of permanganate"=22.5xx10^-3*Lxx0.102*mol*L^-1=0.002295*mol#

And so there are FIVE equiv of ferrous ion present....in a solution whose volume is #10*mL#
