What are exoenzymes?

1 Answer
Sep 26, 2016

Exocellular enzymes ( exoenzymes ) are enzymes that are secreted by a cell and function outside of the cell.


i) Hyaluronidase

II) Bacteria like Clostridium use this enzyme to dissolve collagen ( protein ) and hyaluronic acid ( saccharide) that hold tissues together, thereby gaining entry and penetrating deep into the host tissues.

iii) Pepsin

iv) Pepsin is made as an inactive precursor - pepsinogen, by the chief cells of the stomach lining. It is secreted into the stomach where it mixes with hydrochloric acid to form pepsin.
Pepsin breaks down proteins found in dairy ,meat and eggs.

In bacteria and fungi exoenzymes play an integral role in allowing the organism to interact with its environment. They often use exoenzymes to breakdown nutrients in their surroundings. These nutrients are then digested and used to power cellular pathways.

In humans a majority of exoenzymes are found in the digestive system and are used for metabolic breakdown of macro nutrients by hydrolysis.