How do you define two divergent sequences whose termwise product is a convergent sequence?

1 Answer
Jun 27, 2015

#a_(2k) = 2^(2k)#, #a_(2k+1) = 2^-(4k+2)#

#b_(2k) = 2^-(4k)#, #b_(2k+1) = 2^(2k+1)#

for #k in NN#

Then #a_i * b_i = 2^-i -> 0# as #i -> oo#


If we define

#a_(2k) = 2^(2k)#, #a_(2k+1) = 2^-(4k+2)# for #k in NN#

then the sequence #a_0, a_1, a_2,...# looks like this:

#2^0, 2^-2, 2^2, 2^-6, 2^4, 2^-10, 2^6, 2^-14,...#

This is clearly divergent, with alternate terms increasing exponentially in value.

If we define

#b_(2k) = 2^-(4k)#, #b_(2k+1) = 2^(2k+1)#

then the sequence #b_0, b_1, b_2,...# looks like this:

#2^0, 2^1, 2^-4, 2^3, 2^-8, 2^5, 2^-10, 2^7,...#

Again, clearly divergent.

For each #k in NN#, we have

#a_(2k) * b_(2k) = 2^(2k)*2^-(4k) = 2^-(2k)#

#a_(2k+1) * b_(2k+1) = 2^-(4k+2)*2^(2k+1) = 2^-(2k+1)#

So #a_i*b_i = 2^-i# for all #i in NN#

looks like this:

#2^0, 2^-1, 2^-2,... -> 0# as #i -> oo#