Question #f0bcf Physics Introduction to Physics What is Physics? 1 Answer GiĆ³ Aug 6, 2015 I found: #0.6cm# Explanation: Have a look: The angles #theta_1 and theta_2# can be used for the big horizontal triangle involving the distance #D# and the height #h#: Answer link Related questions How can physics help us understand what are the basic building blocks of matter? How can physics help us understand how the universe began? How does physics relate to physical therapy? How does physics help in developing computer games? How did physics change modern technology? How do physics relate to technology? How do physics engines work? How do physics and chemistry relate? How can physics improve car safety? How does physics serve as the basis of technology? See all questions in What is Physics? Impact of this question 2076 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License