What is the genetic material in eukaryotes wrapped by?

1 Answer

It is enclosed in a nuclear membrane.


Eukaryotes get their name because they have a "true" nucleus. The genetic material(DNA) in Eukaryotes are stored in the Nucleus and it is wrapped by a membrane. What is the function of the nuclear membrane, you may ask. It serves to separate the inside of the nucleus from the outside.

When a compound leaves the nucleus, an example is ribosomes (they are synthesized in the nucleolus), they pass through a "hole" in the nuclear membrane called nucleopore.


Prokaryotes, literally meaning "before kernel" or "before nucleus", usually unicellular(1 cell organisms), does not have a "true nucleus". In place of a nucleus, however it has a structure called a nucleoid. The nucleoid contains the genetic material of the cell but is not enclosed in a nuclear envelope (vs eukaryotes) and is hence floating in the cytoplasm.

