What is the origin of the universe?

1 Answer
Mar 17, 2016

No one knows the answer to this one, but scientist are working on a number of ideas.


Our knowledge of the Big Bang goes back quite a ways to the first microseconds after the BB, but nothing before this.

However, a number of hypotheses are being developed, such as that our universe may be one of an ongoing series of "bubble universes" that are like froth or foam on the ocean - constantly rising and passing away. Driven by some unknown physical process we don't yet understand. See pic.


Some religious groups feel that because science doesn't know how or why the Big Bang got going (at least they don't know for now), that this means that God or Gods must have set the whole thing off.

But proposing God did it doesn't really explain anything. One could than ask, who created the God who made the God who set off the Big Bang?.... then you could ask who created the God, who created the God....and so on to infinity. If the multiverse idea or some other hypothesis turns out to be correct, it might just be that this process has been going on forever and never had, or doesn't need, a 1st cause. A hard idea to get your head around!