Question #f4f46

1 Answer
Feb 18, 2016

Depends on what kind of priest, but historically, priests connected the laypeople with the supernatural, performed rituals and rites, and oversaw religious buildings.


I'm going to assume that you're talking about Catholic priests because they're the most common type. In the answer, I gave you three broad things priests have been doing for the last 5000 or so years just in case you were talking about Egyptian priests or something like that.

Catholic priests have very specific functions, three of which include:

  • Administering the sacraments - sacred rituals of the Church, the most common of which are baptism, communion, confirmation, confession, and marriage (there are two others that are less common).
  • Conducting Mass, the church service. In Mass, worshippers pray and listen to the priest read the Gospel (4 books in the Bible central to Catholicism). Priests also give the sacrament of communion during mass.
  • Taking care of their local parish (church) and spreading Jesus' teachings. This includes helping the poor and visiting the sick in the hospital.

If you meant a different kind of priest, maybe for a different type of religion, please notify me in the comments and I'll fix it.