Question #09716

1 Answer
Mar 20, 2016

Woodrow Wilson outlined his ideas for peace in his Fourteen Points.


  1. The League of Nations
    The League of Nations was undoubtedly Wilson's most notable idea, and it called for the creation of 'a general association of nations' to uphold world peace and settle disputes.

  2. Evacuation of Russia
    Wilson's Fourteen Points called for many territorial changes for several countries, including France, Poland, and Belgium. One of the most important, though, was the evacuation of Russia. He hoped that this evacuation and an invitation to the League of Nations would settle Russia and uphold peace.

  3. Equality of Trade
    Wilson strongly believed that countries who believed in peace had to work together to uphold it. He wanted equal trade amongst all League of Nations countries and the 'removal of economic barriers.'

  4. Disarmament
    This was one of Wilson's most important ideas. He wished that all nations should reduce their arms as much as possible. He adamantly believed that this was crucial to sustain peace.

  5. Freedom of the Seas
    The naval race had been significant during the war and caused a great deal of fighting, so Wilson called for complete freedom of navigation of the seas, both in peace and in war.