Who were put on trial following the second world war?

1 Answer
Apr 26, 2016

Does this refer to the Nuremberg trials?


As well as leading Nazis, other Germans were put on trial for example the head of Krupps for using slave labour. However they were released fairly soon as they were seen as needed for the economic reconstruction of West Germany as the Cold War developed.

Also leading generals such as Keitel and Jodl were tried and executed at Nuremberg.

If you mean by Nazis, leading members of the Nazi Party then they were not the only ones put on trial. However one can easily categorize leading industrialists and senior military officers as being active Nazis as well.

If the question is not limited to the Nuremberg Trials there were also the Japanese trials such as The Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal and the Manila Tribunal. Within Europe but outside of Germany trials like the Romanian People's Tribunals were not liked to members of the Nazi party.