A man spends #10#% of his rupees, then #60#% of the remaining rupees. Given that he has #"Rs."72# left, how many rupees did he start with?

1 Answer
Jun 9, 2016



Suppose the original amount is #x# rupees.

"Percent" means per-cent, i.e. per-hundred, so:

#10%# of #x# is #10/100 x = 0.1 x#

Having spent #10%# of #x# rupees he then has:

#x - 0.1x = (1-0.1)x = 0.9x# rupees


#60%# of the remaining #0.9x# rupees is:

#60/100 0.9x=0.6*0.9x#

When subtracted from the #0.9x# rupees it leaves:

#0.9x - 0.6*0.9x = (1-0.6)*0.9x = 0.4*0.9x = 0.36x#

We are told that this is #"Rs." 72#, so:

#0.36x = 72#

Divide both sides by #0.36# to find:

#x = 72/0.36 = 200#