How many odd numbers are there, using the digits 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, that are greater than 1,200,000 with the conditions a. no repetition and b. repetition?

1 Answer

See below:


We're looking for odd numbers, using the digits 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, that are greater than 1,200,000 with the conditions a. no repetition and b. repetition.

a. no repetition

The largest number I can construct with the given numbers is 987,650, which is less than 1,200,000, and so no numbers can be constructed that meet the conditions.

b. repetition allowed

If I am allowed to use the digits any number of times, I can construct numbers such as:


and do so infinitely many times.

If I'm constrained to use the number of places represented by the given 6 digits, I'll once again be unable to construct any number over 1,200,000 since the largest one that I could construct is 999,999.