Is the slope of the y axis infinity?

2 Answers
Dec 14, 2016

When we derive this result, we take the slope of one line as
tan Q and the slope of other line (Perpendicular to it) as

tan(90+Q) = - cotQ

hence their product becomes -1 .

For your case the slopes are tan 90 and -cot 90 the product in this case is -1 .

Also the product of a number tending to infinity and a number tending to zero is not fixed and it depends upon the question .

Dec 14, 2016

No. The slope of the y axis is best considered "undefined".


The slope of the x axis is 0.

The slope of the y axis is undefined.

You can try hard to make it "infinity", but what "infinity" do you mean?

For example an standard calculus definition would give you:

lim_(x->0+) 1/x = +oo

lim_(x->0-) 1/x = -oo

So using these kind of definitions, you would not know if the slope of the y axis is +oo or -oo.

Note that +oo and -oo do not behave like proper numbers. You cannot perform many arithmetic operations on them.

For example:

What is oo - oo ?

What is 0 * oo ?

Both are indeterminate.

The property that the product of the slopes of a pair of perpendicular lines is -1 holds when the slope of both lines is determined, but the slope of the y axis is not.

Intuitively, the slope of the y axis is some kind of infinity. Is there something we can do?

Instead of the standard calculus objects +oo and -oo, you can add just one "infinity" to the Real line to get something called the projective Real line RR_oo. Then you can define 1/0 = oo and 1/oo = 0, but 0 * oo is still indeterminate.