Question #cf6e2

2 Answers
Apr 7, 2017

See below.


Calling f(x) = (1/2+x)(1/3-x) = -x^2-x/6+1/6 and

we know that the local minima/maxima are given at the stationary points or when

d/(dx)f(x) = 0

but in our case we have

f(g(x)) so the stationary points are when

d/(dx)f(g(x))=-1/6(1+12 g(x))g'(x)=0

with g(x) = cos(x)

so the stationary points are the solutions of


and the stationary points are

x_1 = -"arccos"(-1/12)+2kpi and

x_2 = k pi for k in ZZ

The stationary points qualification is done using d^2/(dx^2)f(g(x))


d^2/(dx^2)f(g(x))=-2g'(x)^2 - 1/6 (1 + 12 g(x)) g''(x)


d^2/(dx^2)f(cos(x))=Cos(x)/6 + 2 Cos^2(x) - 2 Sin^2(x)

Regarding the stationary points the value of d^2/(dx^2)f(cos(x))qualifies the type of extremum. If d^2/(dx^2)f(cos(x)) > 0 is a local minimum and if d^2/(dx^2)f(cos(x)) < 0 is a local maximum.


d^2/(dx^2)f(cos(x_1)) = -143/72 local maxima
d^2/(dx^2)f(cos(x_2)) = 13/6 local minima

Attached a plot showing this behavior.

enter image source here

so concluding, x_1 for the maxima and x_2 for the minima

NOTE. The same result for the maximum point would be obtained directly by making

(df)/(dx)=-1/6 - 2 x=0->x=-1/12 with the maximum value given by

f(-1/12)=25/144 and here

(d^2f)/(dx^2)(-1/12)=-2 qualifying a maximum.

Jun 14, 2017

Maximum value is 25/144



y = (cosx+1/2)(1/3-cosx)
\ \ = 1/3cosx-cos^2x+1/6 -1/2cosx
\ \ = 1/6-cos^2x+ -1/6cosx

This is a quadratic in cosx so let us complete the square

y = -(cos^2x+1/6cosx-1/6)
\ \ = -((cosx+1/12)^2-(1/12)^2-1/6)
\ \ = -((cosx+1/12)^2-25/144)
\ \ = 25/144 - (cosx+1/12)^2

Now (cosx+1/12)^2 ge 0 AA x in RR , and so y has a maximum when (cosx+1/12)^2 = 0 => cosx=-1/12.

When this occurs, the maximum value of y is achieved.

y_(max) = 25/144 - 0 = 25/144