Question #78b35
1 Answer
Start by assigning oxidation numbers to the atoms that take part in the reaction
stackrel(color(blue)(-1))("Br")""^(-) + stackrel(color(blue)(+1))("H")_ 3 stackrel(color(blue)(+5))("As") stackrel(color(blue)(-2))("O")_ 4 -> stackrel(color(blue)(+5))("Br") stackrel(color(blue)(-2))("O")_ 3""^(-) + stackrel(color(blue)(+1))("H") stackrel(color(blue)(+3))("As") stackrel(color(blue)(-2))("O")_ 2
Now, notice that the oxidation number of bromine is going from
Similarly, the oxidation number of astatine if going from
The oxidation half-reaction looks like this
stackrel(color(blue)(-1))("Br")""^(-) -> stackrel(color(blue)(+5))("Br")"O"_ 3^(-) + 6"e"^(-)
Now, the bromine atoms are balanced. To balance the oxygen atoms, you can use water molecules on the side that needs oxygen. In this case, you need
3"H"_ 2"O" + stackrel(color(blue)(-1))("Br")""^(-) -> stackrel(color(blue)(+5))("Br")"O"_ 3^(-) + 6"e"^(-)
To balance the hydrogen atoms, add protons,
3"H"_ 2"O" + stackrel(color(blue)(-1))("Br")""^(-) -> stackrel(color(blue)(+5))("Br")"O"_ 3^(-) + 6"e"^(-) + 6"H"^(+)
Notice that the charge is balanced because you have
(1-) = (1-) + (6-) + (6+)
The reduction half-reaction looks like this
"H"_ 3 stackrel(color(blue)(+5))("As") "O"_ 4 + 2"e"^(-) -> "H" stackrel(color(blue)(+3))("As") "O"_2
Once again, the astatine atoms are balanced, so focus on the oxygen atoms first. You will have
"H"_ 3 stackrel(color(blue)(+5))("As") "O"_ 4 + 2"e"^(-) -> "H" stackrel(color(blue)(+3))("As") "O"_ 2 + 2"H"_ 2"O"
You now need
2"H"^(+) + "H"_ 3 stackrel(color(blue)(+5))("As") "O"_ 4 + 2"e"^(-) -> "H" stackrel(color(blue)(+3))("As") "O"_ 2 + 2"H"_ 2"O"
Once again, notice that the charge is balanced because you have
(2+) + (2-) = 0
Now, in every redox reaction, the number of electrons lost in the oxidation half-reaction must be equal to the number of electrons gained in the reduction half-reaction.
This means that you must multiply the reduction half-reaction by
{(color(white)(aaaaaaaa)3"H"_ 2"O" + stackrel(color(blue)(-1))("Br")""^(-) -> stackrel(color(blue)(+5))("Br")"O"_ 3^(-) + 6"e"^(-) + 6"H"^(+)), (2"H"^(+) + "H"_ 3 stackrel(color(blue)(+5))("As") "O"_ 4 + 2"e"^(-) -> "H" stackrel(color(blue)(+3))("As") "O"_ 2 + 2"H"_ 2"O" " " | xx 3) :}
to get
{(color(white)(aaaaaaaa)3"H"_ 2"O" + stackrel(color(blue)(-1))("Br")""^(-) -> stackrel(color(blue)(+5))("Br")"O"_ 3^(-) + 6"e"^(-) + 6"H"^(+)), (6"H"^(+) + 3"H"_ 3 stackrel(color(blue)(+5))("As") "O"_ 4 + 6"e"^(-) -> 3"H" stackrel(color(blue)(+3))("As") "O"_ 2 + 6"H"_ 2"O") :}
3"H"_ 2"O" + stackrel(color(blue)(-1))("Br")""^(-) + color(red)(cancel(color(black)(6"H"^(+)))) + 3"H"_ 3 stackrel(color(blue)(+5))("As") "O"_ 4 + color(red)(cancel(color(black)(6"e"^(-)))) -> stackrel(color(blue)(+5))("Br")"O"_ 3^(-) + 3"H" stackrel(color(blue)(+3))("As") "O"_ 2 + color(red)(cancel(color(black)(6"e"^(-)))) + color(red)(cancel(color(black)(6"H"^(+)))) + 6"H"_2"O"
This will be equivalent to
color(darkgreen)(ul(color(black)("Br"^(-) + 3"H"_3"AsO"_4 -> "BrO"_3^(-) + 3"HAsO"_2 + 3"H"_2"O")))
Therefore, you can say that water appears in the balanced chemical equation as a product with a coefficient of
The bromide anion,
Consequently, you can say that arsenic acid is being reduced to arsonite,