Question #30361

1 Answer
May 13, 2017

#"please see animation and explanation section."#


enter image source here

#"Let assume that P is an object revolving around 'O' with a"#
#"radius of r. v shows the velocity vector of P. Direction of the "##"velocity is change but its magnitude does not change.The "##"object revolves the same angle in every unit time. To the "##"motion which is shown the animation above we say 'uniform "##"circular motion'."#

#"Please notice to these points."#

  • the velocity vector v is tangent to the circle.
  • A force pointing pivot point occurs(the centripetal force).
  • The centripetal force is perpendicular to the tangential velocity.
  • The time for a full revolution is the period(T).
  • The tangential velocity can be calculated using the formula
    #v=(2pi r)/T#
  • the angular velocity of object can be calculated using the formula
    #omega=(2 pi)/T#
  • the unit of the angular velocity is rad/sec
  • using the two equation above ,we obtain the equation v=w.r
  • The angular acceleration of object is pointed to the pivot point.
  • The angular acceleration is calculated using:
    #a=v^2/r" or "a=omega^2.r#
  • You can calculate the centripetal force using Newton's second law.

#F=m.a" , "F=(m v^2)/r" , "F=m omega^2 r#