I'm writing an essay on the difference between opinion and fact, but I need some help with ideas?

1 Answer

See below for ideas


Let's first talk about the difference between a fact and an opinion:

  • Facts are verifiable truths.
  • Opinions are speculation but are not verifiable truths.

I'll look to politics to highlight an example.

In the recent debate of healthcare in the USA (the repeal of "Obamacare" and a replacement with "Trumpcare"), a verifiable fact (as calculated by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office) is that over 20,000,000 will lose their healthcare coverage. (Note that this is a verifiable truth).

An opinion that is being used to counter that fact (used by the Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, various Republican congresspeople, and others) is that more people and not less will have healthcare under the Trump plan. (Note that there is no verification, merely a speculation).

In your own life, there are many facts and opinions that may swirl. It can be as simple as estimating the height of the place where you live (I live in a 9 story condo building, so I'll that) - I could have an opinion that the building is 20 metres tall by using an estimate of 2 metres per floor. To get the fact of the height, I'd to actually measure the building height in some way.