On any given multiple choice question, there are 7 answers with 1 being correct. What's the probability of guessing the right one?

1 Answer



I am reading the question that we have a situation with a question, such as:

What is 1 + 1?

and we have 7 choices to pick from, say #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7#

What is the probability of randomly picking the correct answer?

Remember that probability is a ratio (which can also be expressed as a decimal or percentage):

  • the numerator is the number of ways we can satisfy a condition or conditions, and
  • the denominator is the number of ways we can pick from the pool of choices

Out of the 7 choices someone can make (i.e. the denominator), only 1 is correct (i.e. the numerator). This gives us:

#P("randomly picking the right answer from 7 choices")=1/7#