What is area under the normal curve between #z=-2.0# and #z=-1.0#?

1 Answer
Jun 22, 2017

Area under the normal curve between #z=-2.0# and #z=-1.0# is #0.1359#.


To find area under the normal curve between two values of #z#, we can use tables.

However, tables give areas from #z=0# to #z=3.9# (beyond which there is literally no change). But as normal curve is symmetric at #z=0#, we can use it to find are between any two given #z# values.

For example for area unde the curve between #z=-2.0# and #z=-1.0# we can take values for #z=2.0# and #z=1.0# and their difference will give area between #z=-2.0# and #z=-1.0#.

From tables for #z=1.0#, we have #0.8413# and for #z=2.0#, we have #0.9772# and hence

Area unde the curve between #z=-2.0# and #z=-1.0# is #0.9772-0.8413=0.1359#.
