Convert #x^2+2y^2-2x+8y-11=0# to standard form of equation for ellipse and find its vertices, focii and latus rectum?

1 Answer
Aug 3, 2017

Standard form of ellipse is #(x-1)^2/(2sqrt5)^2+(y+2)^2/(sqrt10)^2=11#. Vertices along major axis are #(1-2sqrt5,-2)# and #(1+2sqrt5,-2)# and those along minor axis are #(1,-2-sqrt10)# and #(1,-2+sqrt10)#. Focii are #(1-sqrt10,-2)# and #(1+sqrt10,-2)# and latus rectum is #2sqrt5#.


Let us convert this to the form of a conic.

#x^2+2y^2-2x+8y-11=0# can be written as


or #(x-1)^2+2(y+2)^2=20#

i.e. #(x-1)^2/20+(y+2)^2/10=1#

or #(x-1)^2/(2sqrt5)^2+(y+2)^2/(sqrt10)^2=11#, which is standard form.

This is the equation of an ellipse of the form #(x-h)^2/a^2+(y-k)^2/b^2=1#, whose center is #(h,k)#, major axis is #2a# and minor axis is #2b#. Vertices on major axis are #(h+-a,k)# and along minor axis are #(h,k+-b)#. Eccentricity is given by #e=sqrt(1-b^2/a^2)# and focii are #(h+-ae,k)#. Latus rectum is #(2b^2)/a#

Hence, here center is #(1,-2)#, major axis is #4sqrt5# and minor axis is #2sqrt10#.

Vertices along major axis are #(1-2sqrt5,-2)# and #(1+2sqrt5,-2)# and those along minor axis are #(1,-2-sqrt10)# and #(1,-2+sqrt10)#.

Eccentricity is #sqrt(1-10/20)=1/sqrt2# and #ae=2sqrt5/sqrt2=sqrt10#

Hence, focii are #(1-sqrt10,-2)# and #(1+sqrt10,-2)# and latus rectum is #(2xx10)/sqrt20=sqrt20=2sqrt5#

graph{(x^2+2y^2-2x+8y-11)((x-1+2sqrt5)^2+(y+2)^2-0.02)((x-1-2sqrt5)^2+(y+2)^2-0.02)((x-1)^2+(y+2-sqrt10)^2-0.02)((x-1)^2+(y+2+sqrt10)^2-0.02)((x-1+sqrt10)^2+(y+2)^2-0.02)((x-1-sqrt10)^2+(y+2)^2-0.02)=0 [-9.29, 10.71, -7.68, 2.32]}