Question #7c762

2 Answers
Nov 13, 2017



The nth term of a geometric sequence is given by:

#color(red)(ar^(n-1))# , Where #a# is the first term, #r# is the common ratio and n is the nth te

#A3 = 76r^2=70=>r=sqrt(70/76)=sqrt(35/38)#

#A11= 76(sqrt(35/38))^10~~50.37740944#

Nov 13, 2017

# rArr A_11=70^5/76^4.#


Let #r!=1# be the common ratio of the Geometric Sequence (GS).

Then, its #n^(th)# term #A_n# is given by, #A_n=A_1*r^(n-1), n in NN.#

#A_1=76, A_3=70 rArr 70=76*r^(3-1) rArrr^2=70/76.......(ast).#

#:. A_11=A_1*r^(11-1)=A_1*r^10=A_1*(r^2)^5,#

#=76*(70/76)^5................[because, (ast)],#

# rArr A_11=70^5/76^4.#